Permit Management Software
Allpro PermitPlus Training Video
To help get you started using Allpro PermitPlus we have developed an in depth, 1 disc, 2 hour 15 minute training video that covers every aspect of the program. Place the CD into any computer CD-ROM, or DVD-ROM drive and sit back, watch, and learn all the great benefits that Allpro PermitPlus has to offer.
Table of Contents
Click on a link below to view a description of each chapter contained on the 2 disc set of the Allpro PermitPlus Training Video.
Disc 1 |
Disc 2 |
Disc 1
Chapter 1: Company Setup Form
Chapter one provides detailed information about the Company Setup Form. This form is very important and should be filled out before you actually start using the program. This chapter discusses most of the tabs found on the Company Setup Form.
Chapter 2: Line Items, Dodge Codes, and Zip Codes Forms
In Chapter 2 of the Allpro PermitPlus Training Video we discuss how to setup and use the Line Items, Dodge Codes, and Zip Codes forms.
Chapter 3: How to Create Users & Modify Security Settings
Chapter 3 of the Allpro PermitPlus Training Video will show you how to setup multiple users and apply security settings to each individual user. Allpro PermitPlus provides the flexibility to control which user or users have the ability or inability to open specific forms or reports.
Chapter 4: Property Owners Form
The Property Owners Form chapter will show you how to add new property owners, edit existing property owners, and search for existing property owners.
Chapter 5: Locations Form
Chapter 5 of the Allpro PermitPlus Training Video will show you how to create new locations on the Locations Form. Because Allpro PermitPlus was designed to interact with a relational database, you only need to enter in each location once on the Locations Form. Then, whenever you want to create a permit for a given location Allpro PermitPlus will pull all the necessary information. This will drastically reduce the amount of data entry and will speed up your operations.
Chapter 6: Contractors Form
This chapter will show you how to create new and edit existing Contractors on the Contractors Form. All of the forms in Allpro PermitPlus were designed with consistency in mind.
Chapter 7: Architects Form
Chapter 7 will walk you through creating new and editing existing Architects on the Architects Form. This process is very similar to the Contractors Form.
Chapter 8: Building Permits Form
This chapter will focus on all the features included in the Building Permits Form. We walk you through how to create new Building Permits, search for existing ones. Once you master the Building Permits form you will easily be able to use the rest of the permit type forms with ease.
Disc 2
Chapter 9: Additional Tabs on The Building Permits Form
Chapter 9 will pick up where Chapter 8 left off. You will be able to see in great detail how to use the rest of the tabs on the Building Permits Form and how you can use these features to store and track vital information relating to each permit.
Chapter 10: Building Permits Form Print Menu
In this chapter we will take a look at all of the print options available from the Print Menu on the Building Permits Form. You will be able to quickly see the many different benefits that are available here.
Chapter 11: Attachments Menu
Chapter 11 will show you how you can integrate Allpro PermitPlus with any type of document of your choosing. For example, simply scan a document and save it as a PDF file, with the filename matching the permit number that you want it to be linked to, on your computer or a network shared location. Then, the next time you are viewing the Building Permit, you can select an option from the Attachment Menu to easily view the scanned document. No more searching to find what you need!
Chapter 12: Find Permits Form
Allpro PermitPlus allows you to find permits in a number of different ways. In this chapter we will focus in on using the Find Permits Form to find the permit that you need to work with.
Chapter 13: Electrical Permits Form
Chapter 13 will discuss the Electrical Permits Form. This chapter is shorter than the Building Permits Form chapter as it focuses in on the subtle differences from the Building Permits Form.
Chapter 14: Mechanical, Plumbing, LP Tank, and Rental Permits Forms
In Chapter 14, we decided to group the Mechanical, Plumbing, LP Tank, and Rental Permits Form into one chapter. This decision was made because we feel that once you master the Building Permits Form you won't have any trouble with either one of these forms. We simply focus in on the subtle differences found on these forms.
Chapter 15: Violations Form
In this chapter we will show you how to use the Violations Form to create new violations as well as track existing ones.
Chapter 16: Licenses Form
In Chapter 16 we will discuss how to issue new Business Licenses on the Licenses Form. We also show how to print reports from the Licenses Form.
Chapter 17: Cases Form
The final chapter of the training video, Chapter 17, will show you how to use the Cases Form. The cases form will allow you to create cases in the event that several violation notices have been disregarded. You also have the ability to track and maintain Summons by the Courts.
With over three hours of training video available you should have no problem getting started using this powerful permit software! Also note that we provide telephone and email support incase you have any questions.