Make your business accessible to your employees even when they can’t be there! Allpro Technology is doing our part to help our customers work from home during the current COVID-19 crisis.
If you already subscribe to our Allpro RMM service, we can create remote users that will allow you and your staff to work from home. We can create a unique user for each employee, and only allow them access to their specific computer, or we can create users with access to multiple computers.
– If you already have Allpro RMM, the cost to add remote users is $5.99 per user, per month. We will be waiving all setup fees and require no long term commitment for remote access users during the COVID-19 crisis.
– If you are not already subscribed to our Allpro RMM service, please contact us and we can help get you added within 48 hours so you have the ability to work from home.